Facts about Space in Questions and answers

here is a facts about space by easy way in questions and answers

can you hear a shout in space?
not unless you have a radio in your space suit .There is hardly any air in space .Without air
or another way to carry the sound wave ,there is no sound.

Where does space begin؟
Beyond earth's atomsphere - 60 miles (96 Km) above the surface of the earth .The
atmosphere is like a blanket of air. It covers the whole earth and provides the
oxygen we need to stay alive. The higher you go, the thinner the air gets. When you
reach 60 miles (96 km) there are few traces of air. This is about where the atmosphere
ends --- and space begins.

Where does space end?
It doesnit. Space is endless. It goes on way beyond the solar system and past the most
distant stars.

Can airplanes fly into space?
No.  Airplanes need air to fly. Air moving around the wings makes a lifting force that
keeps the plane up in the air. And oxygen in the air lets the fuel burn in the planeis
engines. Without air, a plane would fall and crash to Earth. Thatis no way to get into
space, you'll agree

How can you get into space?
By rocket. Only a rocket can provide enough power and go fast enough to overcome
Earthis gravity and enter space.
A rocket doesnit need wings to fly. It uses its own thrust to climb. A rocket also
carries its own supply of oxygen. This means it can burn fuel far out in space where 
there is hardly any air.

What makes a rocket go?
The burning fuel. It creates hot gases under great pressure. The gases have nowhere to
gooexcept out through a small opening at the bottom of the rocket. The gases rush out
very fast and with great force. The rushing hot gas shoots the rocket up into the air. A
rocket can move much faster than the speed of sound!

How can you make your own rocket?
Blow up a balloon and hold the neck tightly closed. Then let go. Watch the balloon
shoot this way and that as the air inside rushes out the opening.
The air in the balloon is like the gases in the rocket. As the air rushes out, it sends
the balloon flying in the opposite direction. Unfortunately, your balloon-rocket wonit
get too far!

Who invented the first rockets?
The Chinese, about 800 years ago. Their rockets were powered by gunpowder. People
set the gunpowder on fire. The gunpowder burned quickly or exploded and sent out a
burst of hot gas. The burning gas shot the rocket into the air.
At first, the Chinese used rockets for fireworks. Later, they attached arrows to the
rockets and used them in war. In the 1200s, soldiers in the Chinese army fired these
early rockets at their enemies.


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